Reduces Back Pain At Work

Posted by Admin

Many of us spend long hours, day after day, sitting at a desk looking at our computer monitor at work. However, how many of us sitting in the right position? Only to assess how you're sitting now. If like me, who tend to be slowly sliding down the president, a position rejected. This makes a different curve in the bottom of the spine, it is surprising that you have back pain?

It is estimated that more than 11 million working days are lost each year through back pain, which could cost British industry as much as £ 5 billion a year. However, according to the Royal College of Physicians Faculty of Health, only 5% of severe cases that can be caused by sciatica, trapped nerves in the foot. So, if 95% of these cases is not serious, what can we do for back pain and how they caused it?

By sitting in a static position is an increased emphasis on back and neck, which can put great pressure on muscles and discs. Stooping to the ligaments around the spine can be stretched, which in turn puts more emphasis on your disks.

To help you fight back problems or prevent them from happening following our top tips below: -

-Adjust your chair so that when you let your upper arms to rest next to the spine, forearms resting on a 90 degree angle to your upper arm. If necessary, move the seat up or down, so that you can reach with your arms. Most modern office chairs is the ability to move up and down, so there's no excuse not to have the chair adjusted correctly.

Use the armrests of your chair. They must be adjusted to lift the arms slightly at the shoulders, thereby reducing the load on your neck and shoulders.

-You should sit on the back of a chair, and there should be a cushion that makes the lower back arched slightly forward to avoid the front. Avoid the chair, as this may stress the lower back.

-Take frequent breaks from your desk. Move and stretch. There are exercises you can do to move forward and help relieve the tensions that accumulate during a working day.

Sit down with your loved ones at the bottom of the chair back and try to make a fist between the calf and a chair. If this is not possible, you should adjust the chair. You must move the backrest forward or use a lumbar support.

-Your eyes should look to the center of the screen. If you do not adjust the VDU or a chair properly.

-Try to keep fit and healthy. Yoga is a great way to use caution and reduce stress, which is a possible cause of back pain. Being stressed out muscles tightened, possibly causing problems.

-It 's a legal requirement for employers to protect the health and welfare of their staff. They can provide risk assessment for you and they have to report workplace health. Tell your employer if you feel that something can be done to help the environment.


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