Laser Acne Treatments

Posted by Admin

Acne can be a nightmare of a teenager: difficult to hide from time to process, and never really recovered. Worse, however, even adults can be its debut. Acne can make more than its fair share of shame and stress in your life, but modern laser treatments can help manage the condition more easily and more completely than was previously possible. Several types of laser acne removal exists, and most all of them are more advantageous than simple topical cream or antibiotics.

Laser Acne Treatment (LAT) employs a single wavelength of light constant, which focuses on the deeper layers of the skin. There are two general types. The first is the coating or ablative lasers, which remove dead cells from the outer layer of skin. This opens the pores and stimulates collagen, which increases blood circulation, tightens skin and reduces scarring. The second type is non-ablative lasers that stimulate the growth of collagen to increase and fill the "valleys" caused by acne scars. This type also kills a lot of Propionibacterium acne (or P. acnes), the bacterium that causes the formation of acne. As the laser hits the skin at a deeper level, LAT usually takes several treatments and the spread sheet outside before the results are displayed.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) differs from the LAT in that it uses multiple wavelengths of light to hit all levels of the skin at a time. This allows simultaneous processing of all three stages of IPL Acne: inflammation fighting in stimulating collagen growth, removes the scars of previous inflammation, destroying the bacteria that would otherwise lead to future infection. IPL can cause minor discomfort or pain, depending on the sensitivity of the patient, but such cases are rare.

Light-Emitting Diode (LED), or Blue / Red Light Therapy, have a low intensity and painless process. The blue light to kill bacteria P. acne, while the red light stimulates the growth of collagen. Because of its low intensity LED treatments are designed for more regular than others. However, the LED will also help the skin to grow up to 200% faster, and can also help remove the skin, wrinkles and sun damage.

Although other forms of acne treatment is beyond the laser treatment, although they contain their own distinct disadvantages. Chemical peels can cause blistering of the skin, scarring and even infection. Steroid injections may be drum heavy areas of inflammation, but it has resulted in skin atrophy and reduced blood flow to temporary measures at best. Antibiotics often have a long list of serious side effects such as liver damage, depression and even birth defects. Prescription creams, meanwhile, must be recycled so often that the maintenance can be extremely long.

Laser treatments, on the other hand, accelerated procedures, the effects can last up to two years. And the process is non-invasive, no significant side effects and very little pain. While this can be costly, removal laser acne outweigh its value in saving time and stress should be avoided. Consult your certified professional spa laser local guide to determine the best way to keep your acne more in another nightmare.


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